For whom

Quadrivas Therapy is a manual technique that focuses on improving blood vessels, blood circulation and the muscle and connective tissue around them. Blood flow plays a role in many (chronic) diseases, as well as in recovery after surgery or accident.

Our blood vessels ensure that oxygen and nutrients get to all the organs and tissues in our  body so that they can do their job. In addition, blood vessels drain carbon dioxide and waste products. When blood flow is disrupted, certain parts of the body cannot function optimally. They do not get enough nutrients and oxygen, and waste products and carbon dioxide accumulate.

Is your blood flow disrupted? Then this can cause symptoms such as:

  • Pain from light touch
  • A stiff feeling
  • Cold feet
  • Difficulty moving around
  • Excessive muscle pain
  • Disproportionate fat deposits in some areas of the body
  • Locally, for example after surgery or an accident, poor circulation can cause slower recovery
  • Sore, tired or heavy legs (sometimes also arms)
  • Regular leg cramps
  • Restless legs/arms
  • Quick bruising that fades very slowly
  • Blue-purple or grey skin
  • Hardened tissue in areas with excessive fat deposits
  • Moisture retention

Poor blood flow often plays a role in the following diseases, conditions or situations, and Quadrivas Therapy can make a big difference here: