
Secondary lymphoedema is often due to a clear cause. Think of trauma or orthopaedic surgery. Quadrivas Therapy can achieve a lot in this. Because the lymphatic system is additionally stimulated by congestion in the blood vessels, we often see that secondary lymphoedema disappears quite quickly once the blood vessels are able to do their job again. Also in cases of venous insufficiency, such as varicose veins, we can ensure that secondary lymphoedema decreases and quickly disappears by greatly improving the condition of the veins. 

Lymphoedema after an axillary lymphadenectomy, in which the lymph nodes have been removed from the armpit, is less treatable. Indeed, it is not possible within the lymphatic system to let another part take over. Nevertheless, Quadrivas Therapy achieves good results in this form of secondary lymphoedema. The mobility of the affected arm is often much better after treatment. Unfortunately, in this form of secondary lymphoedema, the effect is not permanent and maintenance treatments are necessary to keep the flow going well.

You speak of primary lymphoedema when there are fewer lymphatic channels present from birth because the lymphatic system has not been properly created. The lymph vessels are not properly constructed, or there are simply too few to drain the lymph flow. Quadrivas Therapy can help with this, too. It cannot eliminate the cause, but it can ensure that flow in the affected areas remains optimal. Compression stockings often remain necessary. However, it does improve the condition of the tissue. This greatly reduces the occurrence of infections. Localised thickening and hardening of the tissue, known as fibrosis, disappear and/or are prevented.