
Lipoedema is a chronic condition in which fat deposits irregularly under the skin mainly on the hips, thighs, knees and lower legs. The cause of lipoedema is not yet known. However, it does seem that hormones play a role. Women often experience the first symptoms during puberty or sometimes after pregnancy or after menopause. 

In stages 1 and 2, lipoedema is reversible with Quadrivas Therapy. At stage 3, therapy can contribute to a life with (much) less pain and symptoms.     

Quadrivas treatments manually restore blood vessels and the surrounding tissue to good condition. As a result, over time, symptoms such as heavy, tired legs, general fatigue, nocturnal leg cramps, a stiff feeling, nagging pain in the legs, bruising quickly, fat deposits, restless legs and other symptoms associated with lipoedema disappear.

Quadrivas therapists have a lot of experience with lipoedema. Therefore, we dare say it is currently the only non-invasive cure for lipoedema. Even in the long term. Our theory is that during puberty, under the influence of hormones, a 'growth disorder' occurs in the fatty tissue on the legs and/or arms. Combined with vascular (especially venous) insufficiency, which affects many women at a young age, this makes lipoedema a progressive (and sometimes disabling) condition. Lipoedema symptoms disappear by stimulating the affected area with the Quadrivas Therapy and, most importantly, ensuring that the blood vessels and surrounding tissue are restored to top condition. Often, after the initial treatment programme, only occasional treatments as maintenance are needed. The appearance often improve significantly over the course of the programme, especially if there is sufficient exercise and a healthy diet in addition to therapy (do not take in more calories  than you need).