Diabetes I and II

In the case of type I and type II diabetes, the blood vessels and surrounding tissue are often in poor condition. Quadrivas Therapy helps reduce or prevent complaints due to poor circulation such as pain when walking, cold feet and poor wound healing. 

The blood vessels are almost always affected in diabetes type II. For example, diabetes research often finds atherosclerosis (plaque or fatty deposits in the blood vessels) and arteriosclerosis (arteriosclerosis or hardening of the blood vessel walls of the arteries). 
In cases of reduced sensitivity to insulin (type II diabetes), insulin can additionally no longer properly dilate the vessels. Fatty tissue also accumulates around blood vessels. There, it acts as a jammer for the influence of insulin on blood vessels. This may play a major role in worsening vascular wall condition and blood pressure problems in type II diabetes.
It is now known that type II diabetes is often reversible with a good diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep and reduction of stress. In addition, Quadrivas Therapy can help get the blood vessels and the tissue around them into good condition faster. Blood pressure is regulated and other complaints such as poor wound healing, cold feet and pain when walking are resolved.

Diabetes type I (the body does not produce insulin) is congenital and cannot be cured. However, we can use Quadrivas Therapy to reduce the symptoms common in type I diabetes that stem from poor circulation, such as cold feet, pain when walking and poor wound healing.