Frequently asked questions

The most frequently asked questions about Quadrivas Therapy and their answers can be found below.  Is your question not among them? Feel free to e-mail us and we will be happy to help you.


What does a treatment look like? 

Each treatment programme starts with an intake interview, in which the relevant medical history and current complaints are identified, and an intake treatment in which we assess the condition of the tissue. Afterwards, we will tell you what we  expect to be able to do for you and you can decide whether you want to enter the programme. Reserve two to two and a half hours in your schedule for this initial consultation. 

Follow-up treatments take about an hour and a half. It is a deep manual massage of the whole body. It is quite intensive and can be painful. Especially at the beginning and in the areas most affected. There are regular checks to see if you can handle it. The depth of treatment is adjusted accordingly. It is often indicated that it is a 'good' pain that triggers something.


How quickly will there be improvement?

You often feel a big improvement after just a few treatments. This could mean less (or even no) pain, less stiffness and a less heavy feeling in the legs. When the symptoms are long-standing, severe and/or there is obesity, the effect takes longer or the body gives a reaction such as a sore feeling, fatigue, flu-like feeling or muscle pain the first few times after a treatment.


Is there any advance indication of how many treatments I need?

Every body is different and reacts differently. Your lifestyle also matters. Is there obesity? How long have the symptoms existed? Were you quick to respond or have you been walking around with it for maybe 20 years? How many treatments are needed depends on the clinical picture. Be aware that therapy is not a quick fix. Your symptoms did not arise in a day either.


What does a treatment plan look like?

In the beginning, it is usually once or twice a week (if the symptoms are more severe and/or last longer and/or there is obesity, it may be three times a week) until the body begins to regain its health. Feeling and seeing this for yourself, we can slowly phase out. 


What does a treatment cost, and is it covered by health insurance?

The one-and-a-half-hour treatment costs €180. During the first treatment, an intake session will take place. This intake session is free of charge. Based on this, the treatment process will begin. Please reserve two to two and a half hours for the first treatment.

From 2025 onwards, we will be affiliated with the professional organization BATC. As a result, our treatments may qualify for reimbursement, depending on the chosen health insurance and supplementary package. The reimbursement falls under "Alternative Therapies." The amount reimbursed per treatment can be found in the terms and conditions of your health insurance. BATC has agreements with most health insurance companies in the Netherlands.

If the treatments are not reimbursed, they may be submitted as part of your income tax declaration.


What are the results?

For the physical complaints listed under the ‘For whom’ heading, the results are very good. Massage therapy has a high success rate but is a therapy that requires commitment and time from both you and the therapist.


Can anyone be treated?

Almost anyone can be treated. Contraindications for Quadrivas treatment include a history of spontaneous thrombosis or a clotting disorder, flu/fever and a body weight of about 100 kilos or more.  In that case, we cannot offer Quadrivas treatment.


What can I do myself?

Get regular exercise (exercise, walking, cycling, swimming, yoga, etc.)
Pay close attention to your diet. Many clients appear to benefit from a diet limited in carbohydrates and sugars, others watch out for dairy products or do not eat meat. You often know what your body responds to, and if not, you can seek advice from a nutritionist.
Ensure adequate rest and relaxation. A relaxed body can recover better.

Can I continue exercising? 

Exercise and sports are always good. In combination with Quadrivas Therapy, pilates, yoga, swimming or walking are fine. (Heavy) strength training and Quadrivas Therapy do not mix. After completing a treatment programme, you can resume strength training (if you want).