Quadrivas Therapy

With Quadrivas Therapy, various complaints caused by poor circulation can be reduced or completely restored. High-intensity massage therapy focuses on the self-healing ability of deeper tissue layers in the body and helps improve and/or restore your body's blood circulation.

During the treatment, deep hooking and scraping techniques are used. This 'unravels' and 'opens' the tissue. Circulation at micro and macro level is activated and tissues become better circulated. Sequentially, the skin, subcutaneous connective tissue, muscles, blood vessels, lymph nodes and vessels and the bone membrane are stimulated. As a result, oxygen and nutrients reach all cells of the body better and carbon dioxide and waste products are better disposed of. This allows the body to return to good condition and regain its original function and forms.

The therapy is activating and slimming, lowers blood pressure and makes muscles, joints and ligaments more flexible. With Quadrivas Therapy, we will work to alleviate and/or remedy your (chronic) pain and discomforts of poor circulation and we will restore your body to health.