About us

Hello, we are Jeanine de Jong and Nicolette Koiter, and together we form Quadrivas Clinic Hoogeveen. After completing the higher vocational programme in Basic Medical Knowledge, we started training as Quadrivas therapists at the Quadrivas Academy in Amsterdam in 2022. We graduated at the end of October 2023.

Our own experiences with Quadrivas Therapy:

Jeanine: I received exercises and massages to treat my RSI for quite some time. Despite this, I still could not do some everyday things, such as washing windows or lifting shopping bags. I was then introduced to Quadrivas Therapy through Nicolette.  With two Quadrivas Therapy treatments, I was rid of my symptoms. How?! And why is this method so unknown? Everyone should be able to make use of this. That was the reason for me to start training as a Quadrivas therapist. The third master class has been completed. It was intense but super educational. I am happy to have taken this step and hope to start giving you the same experience I had.

Nicolette: I was looking for a solution for my painful, thick legs that arose during my pregnancies. Sent from pillar to post for years, not understood by the GP and afraid I had to learn to live with pain and lipoedema. No one offered a real solution. Surely that couldn't be the end of it! Fortunately, I read an article about Quadrivas Therapy on the internet, and immediately made an appointment for treatment. Best decision ever! The pain is gone, lipoedema is virtually history and my blood vessels are healthy again! This therapy is versatile and broadly applicable to so many different complaints. Experiencing first-hand what Quadrivas Therapy can do for your body, I took the step of becoming a Quadrivas therapist myself.